Kathryn Holland

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Kathryn Holland

Associate Professor Psychology, Women's and Gender Studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln


BURN 225
Lincoln NE 68588-0308
402-472-3721 On-campus 2-3721

Teaching in WGS

I will be regularly teaching Psychology of Gender (PSYC/WMNS 421/821), a three-credit upper-level seminar cross-listed in Psychology and Women’s & Gender Studies. The course is a small (40 students) discussion-based course. Therefore, most class-time is devoted to discussion of readings. However, I also give mini-lectures and use media (e.g., videos) to provide illustrative examples of the course material. This is my favorite course to teach because I am an interdisciplinary scholar in both of these fields. I also enjoy teaching this course because of the photo-journal project that students work on over the course of the semester. The project contains both a group component and an individual component. First, I create groups of approximately five people. Students take photos each week that are related to the course topics (e.g., photos of people, places, objects, or anything else in their daily life that is relevant to the class) and groups are given time in class on Fridays to discuss their photos. The groups will select two photos they would like to post on the course Canvas Discussion Board. At the end of the semester, each student will write a final paper for this assignment—reflecting on their observations of course topics in everyday life (i.e., the photos) and what they have learned in class. This unique assignment also allows me to learn about course topics from students’ lived experiences.


Ph.D. Psychology and Women’s Studies, University of Michigan

Research in WGS

Student Support Seeking Study: A longitudinal, mixed-method study of LGBTQ and straight undergraduate students who have had unwanted sexual experiences. Some central questions driving this research are: What supports are these students seeking? What barriers prevent them from using formal supports (e.g., reporting options, counseling services, victim advocacy)? How do those barriers change over time? What are the consequences of these service barriers for students’ mental health? How does the intersection of gender identity and sexuality shape survivors’ interactions with formal supports, service barriers, and mental health outcomes?

Menstruation, Bodies, and Sexual Health Study: A cross-sectional survey of emerging adult women. Some central questions driving this research are: How does the internalization of stigma around body size, genitals, and menstruation relate to young women’s self-objectification and comfort communicating with sexual partners and healthcare providers? In addition, how do these experiences together predict sexual health outcomes (e.g., sexual satisfaction, accessing preventative care)?

WGS Courses

  • PSYC/WMNS 421 & 821: Psychology of Gender
  • WMNS 385: Women, Gender, and Science

Areas of Specialization

  • Psychology of gender and violence
  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual harassment
  • Formal support systems, including law and social policy
  • Barriers to reporting and help-seeking
  • Psychology of human sexuality
  • Sexual health
  • Social norm
  • Interpersonal processes
  • Community based research
  • Sexual Assault and Sexual Health Lab

Selected Articles

  • Holland, K. J. (in press). Correlates of college women’s intentions to use formal campus supports for sexual assault. Psychology of Violence.
  • Holland, K. J. & Bedera, N. (2019). “Call for help immediately”: A discourse analysis of resident assistants’ responses to sexual assault disclosures. Violence Against Women. doi: 10.1177/1077801219863879
  • Holland, K. J. & *Cipriano, A. E. (2019). Bystander response to sexual assault disclosures in the U.S. military: Encouraging survivors to use formal resources. American Journal of Community Psychology. doi: 10.1002/ajcp.12333
  • Holland, K. J., †Gustafson, A. M., Cortina, L. M, & *Cipriano, A. E. (2019). Supporting survivors: The roles of rape myths and feminism in resident assistants' response to sexual assault disclosure scenarios. Sex Roles. doi: 10.1007/s11199-019-01048-6
  • Holland, K. J. (2019). Examining responsible employees’ perceptions of their sexual assault reporting requirements under federal and institutional policy. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. doi: 10.1111/asap.12176
  • Holland, K. J., Cortina, L. M., & Freyd, J. J. (2018). Advocating alternatives to mandatory reporting for college sexual assault: Reply to Newins (2018). American Psychologist. doi: 10.1037/amp0000415
  • Holland, K. J., Cortina, L. M., & Freyd, J. J. (2018). Compelled disclosure of college sexual assault. American Psychologist, 73(3), 256-268.
  • Holland, K. J. & Cortina, L. M. (2017). The evolving landscape of Title IX: Predicting mandatory reporters’ responses to sexual assault disclosures. Law and Human Behavior, 41(5), 429-439.
  • Holland, K. J. & Cortina, L. M. (2017). “It happens to girls all the time”: Examining sexual assault survivors’ reasons for not using campus supports. American Journal of Community Psychology, 59(1), 50-64.
  • Holland, K. J., Rabelo, V. C., & Cortina, L. M. (2017). (Missing) knowledge about sexual assault resources: Implications for military mental health. Violence and Victims, 32(1), 60-77.
  • Holland, K. J., Rabelo, V. C., & Cortina, L. M. (2016). See something, do something: Predicting sexual assault bystander intentions in the U.S. military. American Journal of Community Psychology, 58(1), 3-15.
  • McClelland, S. I., & Holland, K. J. (2016). Toward better measurement: The role of survey marginalia in critical sexuality research. Qualitative Psychology, 3(2), 166-185.
  • Holland, K. J., Rabelo, C. V., & Cortina, L. M. (2016). Collateral damage: Military sexual trauma and help-seeking barriers. Psychology of Violence, 6(2), 253-261.
  • Holland, K. J., Rabelo, C. V., Gustafson, A. M., Seabrook, R. C. & Cortina, L. M.  (2016). Sexual harassment against men: Examining the roles of feminist activism, sexuality, and organizational context. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 17(1), 17-29.
  • Holland, K. J., Rabelo, V. C., & Cortina, L. M. (2014) Sexual assault training in the military: evaluating efforts to end the “invisible war.” American Journal of Community Psychology, 54, 289-303.
  • McClelland, S. I., Holland, K. J., & Griggs, J. J. (2014). Vaginal dryness and beyond: The sexual health needs of women diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Journal of Sex Research, 52(6), 604-616.
  • McClelland, S. I. & Holland, K. J. (2014). You, me or her: Leaders’ perceptions of responsibility for increasing gender diversity in STEM departments. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 39(2), 210-225.
  • Holland, K. J. & Cortina, L.M. (2013). When sexism and feminism collide: The sexual harassment of feminist working women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 37(2), 192-208.

Selected Awards/Accomplishments

  • Research Development Fellows Program, 2018-2019, University of Nebraska
  • Peer Review of Teaching Project, 2018-2019, University of Nebraska
  • Susan Lipschutz Award (for scholarly achievement, service, and promoting the success of women in the academic community), 2017, University of Michigan
  • SPSSI Crosby-Spendlove Travel Award (for presenting research from a feminist and social justice perspective), 2016, APA Division 9
  • Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, 2014, University of Michigan