Being the Future, Riding the Next Feminist Wave
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Friday, March 8, 2019

Keynote Speaker: Shireen Ghorbani
“We Are the Leaders”
Ghorbani is a former candidate for the US House of Representatives. She was featured on the cover of Time magazine, which showcased the grassroots movement of women newly inspired to run for office. An alum of UNL, Ghorbani received her MA in Communication Studies with a graduate specialization in Women’s & Gender Studies. A former Peace Core Volunteer, she is currently Associate Director of Communication and Organizational Development for Facilities Management at the University of Utah. In her talk, Ghorbani will share lessons learned from a pathway to politics that followed lines of academia and activism. At the intersection of authenticity, rage, and deep desire to do better, Ghorbani offers a call to action and an invitation to, in the words of Grace Lee Boggs, reckon with the notion that “we are the leaders we've been waiting for.”
No Limits! is an interdisciplinary student conference that explores a wide range of issues related to women, gender, and sexuality. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and recent graduates are invited to submit proposals to present their academic research, creative project, or activist work on women, gender, and/or sexuality.
If you have questions, please email us at
Pre-registration is officially closed. If you were unable to register in advance, you'll be able to do so at the conference. There will be registration table in Fischer Louge all day starting at 8:15 am. If you did not pre-register online, you cannot receive the complimentary lunch. However, there will be space in the Centennial room if you'd like to bring your own lunch and join us.
Program and Detailed Schedule
Friday, March 8, 2019 (All events in the City Campus Union, 2nd floor)
8:15 – all day Conference check-in (Fischer Lounge)
8:15 – 9:10am Refreshments (Heritage Room)
9:15 – 10:35 a.m. Session A (Regency A, B, C, Ubuntu)
11:00am – 12:15pm Shireen Ghorbani (Keynote Address) (Union Auditorium)
12:15pm – 12:55pm luncheon buffet (Centennial Room) Complimentary for those pre-registered
1:00 – 2:20pm Session B (Regency A, B, C, Ubuntu)
2:30 – 3:50pm Session C (Regency A, B, C, Ubuntu)
4:00 – 5:20pm Session D (Regency A, B, C, Ubuntu)
Closing 5:30 – 6:15pm (Heritage Room)
Presentation Tips
Additional Information
*Directions for Guest Internet Access
*Directions to UNL via Mapquest
*UNL City Campus Map
*Parking Information and Map
*We have reserved a block of rooms at the Graduate Lincoln. See here for booking instructions.
*Area Attractions