Stenberg's recent publication has been selected for the Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition 2019

March 4, 2019

We are thrilled to share the news that our very own Shari Stenberg's article “Tweet Me Your First Assaults”: Writing Shame and the Rhetorical Work of #NotOkay" from Rhetoric Society Quarterly has been selected for the Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition 2019, which will be published by Parlor Press in digital and print formats.

This publication features journal articles from across the field that are first nominated by editors, then read and ranked by reading groups across the nation consisting of a diversity of graduate students, high school instructors, adjuncts, tenure-track, and tenured faculty. The diversity of this readership and engagement with the articles represents the possibility of our field to talk across boundaries and be inclusive of instructors across educational spaces.

Our goal with the Best Of series is to recognize exciting scholarship that is occuring throughout the field’s journals and to provide a current snapshot as to exigent themes, trends, and ideas within Writing Studies. We hope, too, that this series will be a useful pedagogical and research tool. For example, in previous years, instructors have utilized Best Of in undergraduate and graduate courses on Introduction to Writing Studies; Composition History; Composition Theory; Research Methods; Teaching Colloquium; Pedagogies of Composition. They have also been used as professional development tools for new instructors and writing center tutors.