The Women’s and Gender Studies Program receives a large number of requests each year to co-sponsor speakers and events. As we wish to use our limited funds to best fulfill the mission of our program, we ask that all proposed events meet the criteria below and that you fill out and return the co-sponsorship form to WGS Administrative Support Associate, Amy Peterson.
Requests must be submitted between the first week of fall semester and April 1.
- We require that the speaker or event must address an issue or issues relevant to Women’s and Gender Studies. Special preference will be given to events and/or speakers that further our strategic priorities (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Sexuality Studies; Global/Transnational Women’s and Gender Studies; and Gender and Feminist Theories and Methodologies).
- We prefer to co-sponsor a speaker or specific aspect of an event, rather than an entire conference or program.
- We expect that the speaker or event is designed to enhance the education and intellectual climate of the university as a whole. We prefer events that are free and open to the public.
- Priority will be given to requests from WGS faculty and students.
The WGS program usually offers co-sponsorships ranging from $50-250 and has also supplied in-kind donations such as printing and publicity.